6th Sustainable Ocean Summit – Hong Kong 14-16 November 2018
The Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS), organized by the World Ocean Council (WOC), is convening again this year a unique gathering of ocean business leaders, from across the sectors and around the world, to focus on action for ocean sustainable development. This new edition will be held in Hong Kong, 14-16 November 2018, around the theme: "Ocean Sustainable Development - Connecting Asia and the World". Over three days, SOS 2018 attendees will explore a range of topics including Asian Ports and Sustainable Development, Shipbuilding for Sustainability, Women in Ocean Industries, Ocean and Climate, Ocean Investment Platform, Asian Shipping and more through plenaries, workshops, and parallel sessions. Ocean business leaders are again stepping forward to be part of the SOS program.

Updated Program and First Key Speakers Confirmed
The SOS is where the global Ocean Business Community meets to advance action on ocean sustainable development and the Blue Economy. This year in Hong Kong, a global maritime center for Asian ocean industries, the SOS will lay emphasis on “Ocean Sustainable Development — Connecting Asia and the World”.
For three days, the SOS 2018, with a focus on Asia and its relation to the global ocean economy, will assemble ocean industry CEOs to address the future of the ocean business, provide ocean economy projections, bring together women leaders in the maritime sector and Young Ocean Professionals, address port resiliency, sustainable fishing and aquaculture, energy from the ocean, marine biodiversity, increasing ocean knowledge through industry data collection — and other topics critical to the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.

The World Ocean Council is proud to announce some of the ocean business leaders featured in the 2018 speakers’ lineup, which is led by Kenneth Koo (Group Chairman and CEO, TCC Group) as this year’s Conference Chair:
Mike Constable (CEO, Huawei Marine Networks)
John Keeler (CEO, Blue Star Foods)
Despina Panayiotou Theodosiou (CEO, TOTOTHEO Maritime; International President, Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association)
Mohamed Razali Bin Mohamed (CEO, Aquagrow Corporation)
Elisabeth Torstad (CEO, Digital Solutions, DNV GL)
Alla Weinstein (Founder and CEO, Trident Winds)
Updated SOS 2018 Program
Catch a Glimpse of What’s in Store for This Year’s SOS in Hong Kong
About the Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS)
Organized by the World Ocean Council (WOC), the SOS is the only international ocean business event to provide a yearly review of status and trends in ocean economic activity. It provides a global platform for leadership companies and organizations to advance the development and implementation of industry-driven solutions to ocean sustainability challenges. The SOS is designed to bring together leadership companies from the diverse Ocean Business Community: shipping, oil and gas, fisheries, aquaculture, seabed mining, tourism, renewable energy, ports, dredging, mining, submarine cables, marine science, engineering and technology, the maritime legal, financial and insurance communities, and others – as well as ocean stakeholders from the government, inter-governmental, academic and environment communities.
More information is available on www.sustainableoceansummit.org
About the World Ocean Council (WOC)
The WOC is the only international, cross-sectoral alliance for private sector leadership and collaboration in sustainability, stewardship and science. Companies from a range of industries worldwide are distinguishing themselves as leaders in “Corporate Ocean Responsibility”, including: shipping, oil and gas, tourism, fisheries, aquaculture, mining, renewable energy, ocean technology and investment. WOC Members are listed here, a part of the WOC Network of 35,000+ ocean industry stakeholders around the world. The WOC is a registered not-for-profit organization in the US and the UK/Europe.
For more information, visit www.oceancouncil.org
Press Accreditation
Contact our Press Officer for your press accreditation to attend the SOS 2018 in Hong Kong.
Clothilde Deschamps
Email: media@oceancouncil.org Mob: +33 769 01 95 65