There are new regulations that have been taken in by MarDep on Li Ion battery for both house and propulsion. Members please note:
1 Application to Battery Powered Vessels
1.1 This chapter applies to local vessels that use electric power for the propulsion or general electrical loads with an installed battery capacity greater than 600Wh using cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes. Such vessels shall comply with the requirements of this chapter in addition to any other applicable requirements of this code of practice.
2 Requirements for Battery Powered Vessels
2.1 Batteries shall be constructed and tested in accordance with the relevant IEC Publications or equivalent where applicable.
2.2 Any lithium-ion batteries and battery systems with a capacity greater than 600 Wh installed a local vessel shall comply with the Technical Specification Small Craft – Lithium-ion batteries (ISO/TS 23625:2021) or equivalent.
2.3 Any local vessels of 24 meters or above, or any of the vessel type listed below, shall comply with the relevant rules published by an Authorized Organization for Electric Propulsion Systems or equivalent.
o Class I vessels;
o Dangerous goods carriers;
o Oil / Noxious liquid substance / Gas carriers;
o Special purpose vessels;
o Mobile fishing vessels; and
o Any Class II vessels that may navigate within river trade limits.
2.4 Any local vessels which do not belong to the vessels in paragraph 2.3 shall comply with the following:
(a) (c) (d) Vessels shall be constructed to the International Standards – Small Craft – Electric Propulsion System (ISO 16315:2016) and Small craft — Fire protection (ISO 9094), or their equivalent.
(b) Batteries shall be positioned aft of the collision bulkhead.
(c) Boundaries of battery compartment which is part of a vessel’s structure orenclosures shall be of equivalent structural integrity and A-60 fire integrity.
(d) A battery compartment shall be fitted with fire/heat detectors or detection system where suitable.
(e) A battery compartment with combined stored energy over 50 kWh in lithium ion batteries shall be equipped with a type of fixed fire extinguishing system recommended as suitable for suppressing battery fire by the battery maker of the battery/ies.