News - 消息

  • 9 Aug 2021 05:15 | The Chair (Administrator)

    The HKBIA has shared the latest Industry Report to the HKSAR Government’s Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (PICO). The report highlights the key issues the leisure boating industry has been facing and suggests various ways the government could help.

    For the full report – please use the following link (HKBIA Member’s Only):


    Extract from Industry Report:

    The same report was shared to:

    Michael Wong, Secretary for Development

    Rosalind Cheung, Harbour Office

    Brenda Au Kit-ying, Invigorating Island South

    Alan Tang Kai Yan, Port  Works, CEDD


    Caspar Tsui, Secretary for Home Affairs

    Yeung Tak Keung, Sports Commissioner

    Dorothy Cheung, Recreation and Sports Branch


    Frank Chan, Secretary for Transport and Housing

    Carol Yuen, Director of Marine


    Edward Yau, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development

    Vivian Sum, Commissioner for Tourism



    如欲留覽報告書詳盡內容請下載以下連結 (只限會員):



    香港遊艇工業總會(HKBIA) 乃代表本港優閒遊艇工業各相關行業由船艇建造, 經銷轉讓, 遊艇管理, 租賃, 配件批發及零售, 遊艇俱樂部, 專業訓導, 船帆及布藝製作, 技術及專業服務以至專業媒體. 香港實為全亞洲市場之詡楚. 因應疫情的關係,令社會各界對水上活動產生莫大興趣, 遊艇行業亦得已推廣和提昇。

    本報告書列出優閒遊艇工業大綱, 背景, 業界發展現正面對之挑戰及建議政府支持本行業繼績發展.


    香港由一小漁村開始發展至現有濃厚海洋歷史及文化.皆因其海洋根源, 海外線與地理環境有助香港發展成為亞洲重要自由港,經濟中心及航運樞紐.而現在,更具備相應之機遇讓香港進一步發展成為亞洲優閒遊艇市場領導者.




    1. 避風停泊區極端缺乏。
    2. 可接觸水上活動之相關基建和運輸交通不足。
    3. 現有「人群聚集及社交距離法例」下, [優閒遊艇租賃]與[派對房間] 應屬不同分類, 加以明確劃分.


    我們歡迎政府對行業之幫助與支持, 對行業發展,社交,經濟以至環保均有裨益.



    1. 發展及完善公用遊艇停泊設施及擴建避風塘以增加訂泊浮泡放置.
    2. 擴建相關設施、交通運輸,以發展各項水上運動、活動
    3. 在現有群體活動法例下, 應將 「優閒遊艇租賃」與「 派對房間」] 應屬不同分類, 加以明確劃分.
    4. 訂立持久支持規則, 幫助香港發展成為優閒遊艇活動中心.

    本會致力提昇行業安全,倡議持續發展及推廣優閒遊艇活動。香港己非只建基航運及漁業上, 其優秀海港實為城市脈搏, 應使海洋優閒活動廷伸至仍未發展之領域.


    黃偉倫, 發展局局長

    張敏宜, 發展局首席助理秘書長(海港)

    區潔英, 躍動港島南辨事處總監

    鄧啟思, 海港工程, 土木工程拓展署

    徐英偉, 民政事務局局長

    楊德強, 體肓專員

    張寶諒, 康樂及體育科

    陳帆, 運輸及房屋局局長

    袁小惠, 海事處處長

    邱騰華, 商務及經濟發展局局長

    沈鳳君, 旅遊事務專員

  • 2 Aug 2021 07:45 | The Chair (Administrator)

    Lantau Yacht Club (“LYC / Club”) is pleased to roll out the first yachtcation package for yachting aficionados this summer. In the most popular yachting season of the year, yachting lovers are now offered a rare opportunity to try out the new state-of-the-art LYC marina and our premium service at our exclusive Club.

    The number of pleasure yachts in Hong Kong saw impressive growth since the pandemic outbreak – the number of pleasure vessels increased by over 580 in 2020 alone and more locals are getting into yachting. Pleasure yachts are now considered a private and safe space away from the crowd, and where people can spend quality time with friends and family.

    “LYC is excited to launch the first-ever yachtcation package offered by yacht clubs in Hong Kong. With the recent travel restrictions, many people who used to spend weeks on their yachts overseas during summer now enjoy yachting in Hong Kong. This is a great opportunity for them to explore different yachting locations, especially the western and southern waters of Hong Kong. While berthed at LYC, yacht owners can also enjoy all the offerings Discovery Bay can provide, such as beach fun at Tai Pak Beach or the leisurely ambience with a drink at the alfresco dining hub D’Deck,” said Ms Charlotte Ho, Director of Hospitality Marketing and Membership of Auberge Hospitality, the hospitality arm of Hong Kong Resort Co. Ltd.

    The LYC Yachtcation Package includes ONE night wet berthing in our Marina, with four-course dinner for TWO and complimentary sparkling wine at Caffè Napoli in LYC, and two complimentary transfers within Discovery Bay. The package prices vary according to size of yachts and choices of menus. Visitors can also book a spa treatment at Spa Botanica of Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong at a special rate of 15% off.

    In fact, LYC has been receiving a number of Visiting Members who spoke highly of the facilities and quality of the Marina as well as the impeccable service of our staff.

    “It's the best marina in Hong Kong with excellent facilities and supportive staff. Its location also offers the convenience to sail around Lantau where I can stay active in the great waters year round,” said Mr. Metz who brought his boat to LYC for multiple times.

    "I really appreciate the efficiency and friendliness of the front desk staff who got out of their way to take care of the members. We especially enjoyed the serene and peaceful atmosphere at LYC,” commented Ms. Bernadette who came with her family for a couple of times.

    LYC Yachtcation Packages from HK$2,200, including:

    • 1 Overnight Wet Berthing with Complimentary WIFI

    • 4-Course Dinner for 2 Plus Complimentary Sparkling Wine at Caffè Napoli

    • Free Use of Tennis Courts, with Shower Facilities Available

    • 15% Off on Spa Treatments & the Best Available Room Rate at the Seaside Resort Hotel, Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong

    • 2 Complimentary Transfers within Discovery Bay

    • Discovery Bay DIY Tour with DB Shopping Directory and Hiking Guidebook Provided

    For reservation and enquiry: +852 2987 9591 /

    Remark: The rate quoted above is for yacht size up to 10 metres. Prices vary according to the lengths of yachts and choices of menus. Other terms & conditions apply.


    The LYC Marina boasts 148 berths ranging from 10 m - 60 m. 

    The LYC Clubhouse and the seaside lawn

    Caffè Napoli 

    Ms Charlotte Ho

    Director of Hospitality Marketing and Membership of Auberge Hospitality



    Ms Bernadette & Family

    Mr. Metz

  • 21 Jul 2021 06:22 | The Chair (Administrator)

    The Boater group of companies comprises a highly successful brokerage, the ubiquitous Boater, and a charter company, Taipan Charters, both noted for their excellent service, fair business practices and dedication to all things nautical.


  • 19 Jul 2021 06:19 | The Chair (Administrator)

    Date/ Time: 2021-07-28 (tentatively between 1530 and 1730)

    Venue: Officers' Mess 7/F., Aberdeen Marine Base, 28 Shum Wan Road (the seminar will be simultaneously broadcast to other Marine Base venues by ZOOM)


    Electrical Safety and Fire Prevention on Vessels -2021-07-28-Eng_Chi.pdf

    Beyond Boundaries Learning Series (Marine Policing) and Marine Port District have invited honoured guests and experts from Marine Department, Fire Services Department, and Marine Police as speakers to share valuable insight on electrical safety on vessels, fire prevention, and observations on fishing vessels.

    The seminar will cover topics such as industry best practices on managing electrical systems on fishing vessels and, owing to recent fire incidents taking place in Hong Kong waters, case studies on vessel fires and what we can do to prevent such accidents from occurring.

    The sharing session will be hosted by PCRO MPDIST at Aberdeen base and co-organised by the Knowledge Management Marine Policing Team with simultaneous ZOOM broadcasting at Marine Regional Headquarters, Marine North Division, Marine East Division, and Marine West Division bases. 

     水警知識分享無邊界學習系列及海港區 水警知識分享無邊界學習系列及海港區 誠邀來自 海事處、消防處,及警務處之資深 講者一同分享有關船隻電氣安全及火警預防 火警預防 的知識,以及 警務人員日常接觸 警務人員日常接觸 警務人員日常接觸 漁船 時觀察所 時觀察所 得有關電力安全 有關電力安全 的要點 。

    講者 們將會探 將會探 討不同的 討不同的 技術、案例及 最佳實踐方式 最佳實踐方式 最佳實踐方式 ,來協助漁 業界 提升 電氣和防火安全 火安全 意識 ,從而降低意外發生頻率。

    分享會 將會由海港警區警民關係主任及水警知識管理團隊於海港警區基地 海港警區基地 合辦,並利用ZOOM會議向水警總區部 水警總區部 水警總區部 水警總區部 、北分區 北分區 、東分區 東分區 和西分區 西分區 同時 直播

    Electrical Safety and Fire Prevention on Vessels -2021-07-28-Eng_Chi.pdf

  • 6 Jul 2021 06:38 | The Chair (Administrator)


    Fountaine Pajot group is extremely glad to join the active Hong Kong Boat Association and become an equally active member in all aspects promoted by the association. Being one of the world leading group in yacht production, we hope that Fountaine Pajot group will bring extra power toward its designated goals.

    Fountaine Pajot has witnessed the ever-growing demand for boating in the region but also the various hurdles all yards are facing to penetrate the markets, especially in Hong Kong where mooring and berthing availability are now paramount to success. We seek to offer our support to the whole industry and of course to gain visibility through the association for both our sailing range (Dufour Yacht) and our catamaran one (Fountaine Pajot). Being a member of Hong Kong Boating Industry Association is the next obvious move for the group.

    We deeply thank the association for its work and our new membership that we will celebrate in style soon.

    Linkedin: Fountaine Pajot

    Facebook: Fountaine Pajot

    Instagram: fountainepajot

  • 5 Jul 2021 06:37 | The Chair (Administrator)


    Asia Pacific Boating embraces a progressive narrative towards luxury yachting and marine conservation, bridging the gap between a new generation of ocean lifestyle advocates, and traditional yachting industry pioneers. Our 360 degree approach signals our publication’s commitment to a user-centric digital future, connecting an UHNW readership across the indo-pacific region to the latest exclusive conversations and inspirational content.

    Our marine directory is the latest addition to our ever-growing community, offering an additional platform for our partners to showcase their brand and services. Inspire our digital readers and be discovered by an audience specifically searching for marine services. Contact us to be involved in this exclusive community.

    Linkedin: Asia-Pacific Boating

    Facebook: Asia-Pacific Boating

    Instagram: asiapacificboating_mag

  • 7 Jun 2021 08:28 | The Chair (Administrator)

    Food and Health Bureau:

    In view of the development of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, the Government has gazetted directions and specifications under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F) and the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599G) on 26 May 2021 to maintain the social distancing measures currently in place.  The above directions and specifications has taken effect on 27 May 2021 for a period of 14 days till 9 June 2021 (

    Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F)

            According to the latest directions on scheduled premises under Cap. 599F (, if relevant premises (such as private vessel) falls under Cap. 599F Schedule 2's stipulation of premises that are maintained or intended to be maintained for hire for holding social gatherings, such premises may be open subject to relevant requirements and restrictions till 9 June 2021.  Please refer to the link for full details of the latest directions on scheduled premises:

    Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599G)

            According to the latest directions under Cap. 599G (, the number of persons allowed in group gatherings in public places is maintained at 4 till 9 June 2021.  Group gatherings in public places not specified in Schedule 1 to the Group Gathering Regulation or permitted by the Chief Secretary for Administration are prohibited.  Public places refer to places where members of the public can get access to from time to time.  If venues , including private property, allow access by members of the public from time to time, such venues would fall under the definition of public places and hence the requirements regarding group gatherings of not more than 4 people and a distance of 1.5 metres or more between different groups etc. under the Group Gathering Regulation will be applicable.  If the venue does not fall within the definition of a public place, then a group gathering may not be prohibited under the Regulation.  In such case, the organisers should ensure sufficient measures/arrangements on admission/access control to the venues, which could prevent access of members of the public from time to time, so that the venues would not fall within the definition of public place under section 2 of the Regulation.

            The scope of Cap. 599G has been extended to prohibit group gatherings at non-public places of scheduled premises regulated under Cap. 599F.  Accordingly, for all the group gatherings in premises regulated under Cap. 599F, the participants must comply with the relevant group gathering requirements and restrictions specified under Cap. 599F in order to be exempted under Cap. 599G.  If the group gathering related requirement or restriction under Cap. 599F is breached, such group gathering at the premises would not be exempted under Cap. 599G.  Enforcement agents would consider whether to issue fixed penalty notices or initiate prosecution against those who breach Cap. 599G depending on actual circumstances, such as whether Cap. 599G directions is violated, whether relevant persons had taken reasonable steps to ensure group gathering related requirements and restrictions under Cap. 599F are complied with etc.

            The Government is considering the next phase of the gradual return to normality under the new direction in fighting the epidemic, taking into account the need for further incentives to encourage vaccination.  We will review the various measures in place from time to time in accordance with the development of the epidemic situation, and make suitable adjustments taking into account all relevant factors.  For further information and latest updates, please read and regularly visit the COVID-19 thematic website (

            Thank you again for your enquiry.

    Food and Health Bureau

Hong Kong BIA – A new voice for the leisure marine trade in Hong Kong

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