News - 消息

  • 7 Jun 2021 08:28 | The Chair (Administrator)

    Food and Health Bureau:

    In view of the development of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, the Government has gazetted directions and specifications under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F) and the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599G) on 26 May 2021 to maintain the social distancing measures currently in place.  The above directions and specifications has taken effect on 27 May 2021 for a period of 14 days till 9 June 2021 (

    Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F)

            According to the latest directions on scheduled premises under Cap. 599F (, if relevant premises (such as private vessel) falls under Cap. 599F Schedule 2's stipulation of premises that are maintained or intended to be maintained for hire for holding social gatherings, such premises may be open subject to relevant requirements and restrictions till 9 June 2021.  Please refer to the link for full details of the latest directions on scheduled premises:

    Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599G)

            According to the latest directions under Cap. 599G (, the number of persons allowed in group gatherings in public places is maintained at 4 till 9 June 2021.  Group gatherings in public places not specified in Schedule 1 to the Group Gathering Regulation or permitted by the Chief Secretary for Administration are prohibited.  Public places refer to places where members of the public can get access to from time to time.  If venues , including private property, allow access by members of the public from time to time, such venues would fall under the definition of public places and hence the requirements regarding group gatherings of not more than 4 people and a distance of 1.5 metres or more between different groups etc. under the Group Gathering Regulation will be applicable.  If the venue does not fall within the definition of a public place, then a group gathering may not be prohibited under the Regulation.  In such case, the organisers should ensure sufficient measures/arrangements on admission/access control to the venues, which could prevent access of members of the public from time to time, so that the venues would not fall within the definition of public place under section 2 of the Regulation.

            The scope of Cap. 599G has been extended to prohibit group gatherings at non-public places of scheduled premises regulated under Cap. 599F.  Accordingly, for all the group gatherings in premises regulated under Cap. 599F, the participants must comply with the relevant group gathering requirements and restrictions specified under Cap. 599F in order to be exempted under Cap. 599G.  If the group gathering related requirement or restriction under Cap. 599F is breached, such group gathering at the premises would not be exempted under Cap. 599G.  Enforcement agents would consider whether to issue fixed penalty notices or initiate prosecution against those who breach Cap. 599G depending on actual circumstances, such as whether Cap. 599G directions is violated, whether relevant persons had taken reasonable steps to ensure group gathering related requirements and restrictions under Cap. 599F are complied with etc.

            The Government is considering the next phase of the gradual return to normality under the new direction in fighting the epidemic, taking into account the need for further incentives to encourage vaccination.  We will review the various measures in place from time to time in accordance with the development of the epidemic situation, and make suitable adjustments taking into account all relevant factors.  For further information and latest updates, please read and regularly visit the COVID-19 thematic website (

            Thank you again for your enquiry.

    Food and Health Bureau

  • 4 Jun 2021 06:59 | The Chair (Administrator)

    Manifest Marketing Ltd (MML) has completed its acquisition of Storm 

    Force Marine Ltd (SFML), with SFML becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of 

    MML, completing a three month transition period.

    Bryan Van Dale has taken the position of Managing Director of Storm 

    Force Marine Ltd. Bryan has a long history in Hong Kong and via his 

    company MML has very strong links into vertical and particularly 

    government markets in Hong Kong. MML has in fact been a long term 

    customer of SFML prior to this acquisition.

    Graham Parkes has transferred from MML and is now in charge of day to 

    day operations at SFML as the new General Manager.  Graham has a 34 year 

    history in Hong Kong including 14 years with MML where he has handled 

    project-based sales of high-end systems and equipment to various Hong 

    Kong Government departments.

    Danny Li  (Engineering) and Azam Mohammad (Logistics) remain with SFML 

    and both will continue to support SFML's customers and suppliers going 


    As part of the acquisition process some non core brands have been passed 

    on to a new company, Xieite Limited, headed by long term Hong Kong 

    resident James Pearson. Lists of the brands retained by Storm Force 

    Marine and those now passed on to be handled by Xieite are attached.  

    Storm Force Marine and Xieite are committed to work together to support 

    their customers going forwards.

    This is an exciting time: SFML has had a broad market selling to 

    hundreds of trade customers in Hong Kong, China and regionally, 

    primarily technical products from suppliers like Sleipner, Victron 

    Energy, Frigomar, Advanced Systems Group, Whale, Gianneschi, Groco 

    amongst forty others. With the MML acquisition the vertical market 

    possibilities are also opened up which should lead to an expansive 

    future for SFML under its new management and ownership.

    Xieite specialises in the more retail, sailing and outdoor pursuits 

    orientated brands, and will be selling through their new dedicated 


    The previous principals of Storm Force Marine, Louise Connolly and Simon 

    Boyde, are working in a consulting role to both SFML and Xieite going 

    forwards and are actively assisting the new owners and managers of Storm 

    Force Marine and Xieite as the transition completes. They will continue 

    to do so even after they relocate to Europe to pursue other interests.

    Storm Force Marine:

    Primary contact for sales and support enquiries via


    Prime contact for company queries, billing, accounts

    Address and phone numbers for Storm Force Marine remain unchanged.

    Media Queries

    Graham Parkes, General Manager

    +852 2866-0114


    Primary contact for sales and support enquiries via

    Prime contact for company queries, billing,  accounts, media:

    James Pearson


    Office A, 10F, Lee Tung Commercial Building, 91-97 Jervois Street, 

    Sheung Wan, HONG KONG

    Telephone: +852 5277 9972

    Storm Force Marine Brands.pdf

    Xieite Brands.pdf

  • 14 Apr 2021 06:11 | The Chair (Administrator)

    For more details - please refer to the Agenda from the link below:


  • 6 Apr 2021 13:03 | The Chair (Administrator)

    Dear Members,

    Please find the latest requirements for Class IV Pleasure Vessels that are effective 1 April 2021.


  • 1 Apr 2021 08:31 | The Chair (Administrator)

    Dear Members,

    Please find the enclosed letter from AFCD in regards to the Restricted Area at Sham Wan, Lamma Island for Conservation of Green Turtles.

    AFCD Letter to HKBIA.pdf


    Yours Faithfully,

    Hong Kong Boating Industry Association

  • 26 Feb 2021 07:27 | The Chair (Administrator)

    Post Mangkhut Shoreline Protection and Shelter for Vessels – Opportunities for the marine industry

    HKBIA presentation on Mangkhut Moorings and Storage.pdf

    HKBIA Overview.pdf

    Typhoon Mangkhut packing extreme winds and storm surge hit Hong Kong on 16 September 2018. Hundreds of vessels ended up stranded, sunk or damaged. Flooding impacted coastal structures. Protection works can be a catalyst for making overall area improvements for everyone’s benefit, including the marine industry.

    颱風 山竹 2018年九月十六日以極速風暴正面吹襲本港, 造成數百船艇翻側, 沉沒或大小損毀. 沿岸建築亦被洪水波及. 適當之保護措施實可為各區市民帶來全面保護, 遊艇業界亦包括在內.

    Paul Zimmerman is CEO of Designing Hong Kong, an elected District Councillor representing the Pokfulam constituency, and a board member of Civic Exchange, Professional Commons, Hong Kong Democratic Foundation, and the Patient Care Foundation. His Hong Kong Government advisory functions include the Harbourfront Commission. Paul has a Masters in Social Science (Economics) from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, and a Masters of Arts (Transport Policy and Planning) from The University of Hong Kong. He arrived in Hong Kong in 1984 and became a Chinese citizen in 2012. He has long campaigned for improving facilities for the leisure, sports and recreational marine industry.

    司馬文(Paul Zimmerman) 先生為香港創建(Designing Hong Kong)總裁, 現任薄扶林區區議員,思匯政策研究所, 公共專業聯盟, 香港民主促進會, 顧眷患者基金會各議會成員. 亦為香港政府海濱事務委員會政策顧問. 司馬文先生為荷蘭鹿特Erasmus大學社會科學(經濟) 及香港大學藝術系(交政策及規劃)碩士. 他於1984年來港及於2012年成為中國公民. 他長期為康樂設施, 運動及遊艇消閒工業領域增取權益.

  • 15 Feb 2021 14:49 | The Chair (Administrator)

    The following letter was issued to Mr. Chan Fan, Frank, JP (Secretary of Transport and Housing), Hon. Frankie Yick Chi-Ming, SBS, JP (Chairman of the Panel of Transport) and Ms Carol Yuen (Director of Marine).

    Access the HKBIA document library to get the latest information from the industry (Members Only)



  • 1 Feb 2021 06:56 | The Chair (Administrator)

    Dear Members,

    Please refer to the latest Government rules for Private Moorings and the expansion of Private Moorings in designated areas in Sai Kung. 



    New Mooring rules 2021.pdf


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