Use of Motorised Board
- Ø 現時,在香港海面上使用未领有牌照的機械推動的海上裝置(包括裝設引擎的滑浪板),都可能違反《商船(本地船隻)條例》及其附屬法例,以及其他相關法例。
At present, using unlicensed Motorised conveyances (including surfboard with engine) in Hong Kong Water may commit an offence under Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) Ordinance and/ or its subsidiary legislation and other relevant legislation.
- Ø 機械推動的海上裝置的電池質素參差,有可能會漏電或過熱(尤其在充電時),引致火警或其它意外。
The quality of batteries of Motorised Board varies. The batteries may leak or overheat, particularly during charging, which may cause fire or other accidents.