HKBIA Speaker & Networking Event (rescheduled)

  • 28 Nov 2019
  • 18:30 - 20:00
  • Ince & Co, Suites 4404-10, One Island East, 18 Westlands Road, Taikoo Place, Hong Kong
  • 9


  • We welcome you to our first Speakers Event where you can meet the HKBIA Council and other HKBIA members, and learn about Hong Kong’s endangered dolphins.

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We welcome you to our first Speakers Event where you can meet the HKBIA Council and other HKBIA members, and learn about Hong Kong’s endangered dophins!

Speaker: Dr Lindsay Porter

Dr Lindsay Porter, Senior Research Scientist from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, will be our first Environmental Advocacy Speaker. Dr Porter works with the Sea Mammal Research Unit (SMRU), the world’s largest research and teaching facility dedicated to the study of marine mammals. Lindsay, who is based in Hong Keng, overseas all the marine mammal research and associated applied science in the Asia Pacific region for the University, and has been studying Kong Kong’s marine mammals over twenty years.

Hong Kong’s Dolphins and Porpoise: An insight into their life and times

Hong Kong is home to two species of marine mammals – the Chinese white (or pink) – dolphin, and the finless porpoise. Both species are negatively impacted by continued habitat degradation, and population numbers are plummeting. Long-term studies of the dolphins have revealed much information on social dynamics, life history patterns and habitat use. However, the finless porpoise is rather more elusive. New technology is providing better insight into this smallest of marine mammals, and we are now beginning to have a clearer picture of just how important Hong Kong is to these two remarkable species.




舉行日期: 201911月28

時間: 晚上630分酒會開始

講座: 晚上7時至8 (Lindsay Porter主講, Suzy Rayment助理)

地址: 港島太古坊, 華蘭路18, 港島東商業大廈444404-10, 英士律師行會議室


“Lindsay Porter 海洋博士之海豚探究

Lindsay Porter博士為蘇格籣St.Andrews科學大學高級研究員, 將為我們首位倡導環保主講者. 其工作範圍參與海洋哺乳類動物研究組 (簡稱SMRU), 此為世界最大專注海洋哺乳類動物研究及教學設施. Lindsay以香港為基地, 為該大學對亞太區所有海洋哺乳類動物研究及科學分析. 與此同時, 在港對海洋哺乳類動亦有20年經驗.

香港長吻海豚與寬吻海豚: 生命與時區之探索!

香港乃中華白海豚 (或稱粉紅海豚) 及寬吻海豚之居所. 此兩種生物現正受持續海洋生態破壞及數量大輻下降沖激. 於長期觀察所得, 大大加深對其群體社交, 生命周期及棲息地認知. 不過, 對寬吻海豚認識仍然蕪糊. 現今新科技可以提供對此極少數海洋哺乳動物較深入研究及我們巳開始對此非凡物種對香港極其重要有更全面認知.

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