POSTPONED | HKBIA - Speaker Talk & Networking Event: Post Mangkhut protection works by Paul Zimmerman

  • 15 Jul 2020
  • 18:30 - 20:30
  • 13


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Post Mangkhut protection works – Opportunities for the marine industry

Typhoon Mangkhut packing extreme winds and storm surge hit Hong Kong on 16 September 2018. Hundreds of vessels ended up stranded, sunk or damaged. Flooding impacted coastal structures. Protection works can be a catalyst for making overall area improvements for everyone’s benefit, including the marine industry.

颱風 山竹 2018年九月十六日以極速風暴正面吹襲本港, 造成數百船艇翻側, 沉沒或大小損毀. 沿岸建築亦被洪水波及. 適當之保護措施實可為各區市民帶來全面保護, 遊艇業界亦包括在內.

Paul Zimmerman is CEO of Designing Hong Kong, an elected District Councillor representing the Pokfulam constituency, and a board member of Civic Exchange, Professional Commons, Hong Kong Democratic Foundation, and the Patient Care Foundation. His Hong Kong Government advisory functions include the Harbourfront Commission. Paul has a Masters in Social Science (Economics) from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, and a Masters of Arts (Transport Policy and Planning) from The University of Hong Kong. He arrived in Hong Kong in 1984 and became a Chinese citizen in 2012. He has long campaigned for improving facilities for the leisure, sports and recreational marine industry.

司馬文(Paul Zimmerman) 先生為香港創建(Designing Hong Kong)總裁, 現任薄扶林區區議員,思匯政策研究所, 公共專業聯盟, 香港民主促進會, 顧眷患者基金會各議會成員. 亦為香港政府海濱事務委員會政策顧問. 司馬文先生為荷蘭鹿特Erasmus大學社會科學(經濟) 及香港大學藝術系(交政策及規劃)碩士. 他於1984年來港及於2012年成為中國公民. 他長期為康樂設施, 運動及遊艇消閒工業領域增取權益.

Hong Kong BIA – A new voice for the leisure marine trade in Hong Kong

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