Beyond Boundaries Learning Series (Marine Policing) – Electrical Safety and Fire Prevention on Vessels (ENG & CHI)

19 Jul 2021 06:19 | The Chair (Administrator)

Date/ Time: 2021-07-28 (tentatively between 1530 and 1730)

Venue: Officers' Mess 7/F., Aberdeen Marine Base, 28 Shum Wan Road (the seminar will be simultaneously broadcast to other Marine Base venues by ZOOM)


Electrical Safety and Fire Prevention on Vessels -2021-07-28-Eng_Chi.pdf

Beyond Boundaries Learning Series (Marine Policing) and Marine Port District have invited honoured guests and experts from Marine Department, Fire Services Department, and Marine Police as speakers to share valuable insight on electrical safety on vessels, fire prevention, and observations on fishing vessels.

The seminar will cover topics such as industry best practices on managing electrical systems on fishing vessels and, owing to recent fire incidents taking place in Hong Kong waters, case studies on vessel fires and what we can do to prevent such accidents from occurring.

The sharing session will be hosted by PCRO MPDIST at Aberdeen base and co-organised by the Knowledge Management Marine Policing Team with simultaneous ZOOM broadcasting at Marine Regional Headquarters, Marine North Division, Marine East Division, and Marine West Division bases. 

 水警知識分享無邊界學習系列及海港區 水警知識分享無邊界學習系列及海港區 誠邀來自 海事處、消防處,及警務處之資深 講者一同分享有關船隻電氣安全及火警預防 火警預防 的知識,以及 警務人員日常接觸 警務人員日常接觸 警務人員日常接觸 漁船 時觀察所 時觀察所 得有關電力安全 有關電力安全 的要點 。

講者 們將會探 將會探 討不同的 討不同的 技術、案例及 最佳實踐方式 最佳實踐方式 最佳實踐方式 ,來協助漁 業界 提升 電氣和防火安全 火安全 意識 ,從而降低意外發生頻率。

分享會 將會由海港警區警民關係主任及水警知識管理團隊於海港警區基地 海港警區基地 合辦,並利用ZOOM會議向水警總區部 水警總區部 水警總區部 水警總區部 、北分區 北分區 、東分區 東分區 和西分區 西分區 同時 直播

Electrical Safety and Fire Prevention on Vessels -2021-07-28-Eng_Chi.pdf

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