Dear Member,
The HKBIA has been aiming to conduct an economic impact study to highlight how important our industry is in Hong Kong. We shall use this to gain support from the various HK Govt departments and to lobby for a dedicated committee for the Leisure Boating Industry within the HK Government.
We would like to invite you to participate in our survey to share sales data that can be extrapolated to identify the economic impact our industry has to the Hong Kong economy, an unprecedented study that will put us on the city’s economic map and allow us for more impactful initiatives and discussions.
The data is going to be collected anonymously and will be collated by our independent Honorary Treasurer, Andrew Barclay from Stepping Stone.
We hope to collect all data by 25 October and look forward to share the results by the end of October with the HKBIA community. We hope to leverage this study to continue our dialogue with the HK Government.
For BOAT SALES – Yacht Dealers, Brokers
For CHARTER – Companies, Agencies
Your support here is invaluable to all of the industry in Hong Kong. We thank you for your participation.
For reference, we also attach our letter that was sent to the Chief Executive on 11 Sept 2024.
File can be accessed here:
20240911_Letter to CE.pdf
Yours sincerely,
Lawrence Chow
Chair of HKBIA