Hong Kong BIA is Up and Running! 香港遊艇業協會(Hong Kong BIA)正蓄勢待發中!

23 Feb 2018 20:33 | The Chair (Administrator)

Hong Kong BIA is Up and Running! 香港遊艇業協會(Hong Kong BIA)正蓄勢待發中!

The Hong Kong Boating Industry Association, a trade association that represents all sectors of the leisure marine industry is now up and running. “It’s remarkable,” said Simon Boyde, Acting Chairman, “that although Hong Kong has the biggest concentration of pleasure vessels in Asia, and is undoubtedly the biggest centre of boating in the region, the industry has no representative association – unlike all our neighbours. This has now been fixed and around 30 companies have now joined and paid their membership fees.”

香港遊艇業協會是一個代表香港休閒海洋工業的協會,目前正處於組建的最後階段。代主席 Simon Boyde說:”儘管香港是亞洲地區遊艇最集中及最大的中心,但這行業從沒有成立過一個具代表性的組織, 這與鄰近地區國家不一樣。目前已有來自多於25間公司申請入會, 並繳交會費及首年年費, 協會正進行改善及籌組中 這是非常之了不起!”


Now that the Association has been legally established, a Council will be formed consisting of a Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer plus eight members (one from each of the HK Marine Industry Sectors. This leads to the next step, which is the Inaugural General Meeting to held soon (date to be confirmed) where paid up members of the Association will elect the officers and appoint industry sector representatives for the eight sectors, which are:

一旦完成最後的註冊程序,協會將舉行其第一次年度股東大會,並選出一個由主席,副主席,秘書和司庫組成的委員會,還有八名代表香港遊艇業各界別的成員, 包括:

1. Boat Brokers
2. Boat Charter / Yacht Management
3. Builders / Yards / Manufacturers
4. Chandlers / Distributors
5. Marinas / Clubs / Training Organisations
6. Professional Services / Transportation / Safety Equipment Servicing
7. Technical Services / Repairs / Installations
8. Media / PR


1. 遊艇經紀

“We believe that it is absolutely essential that the HKBIA be representative of as many companies as possible under the umbrella of the leisure marine industry,” said Louise Connolly, Acting Treasurer. “The amount of immediate support for the initiative shows that such an Association is long overdue for the industry.”

代財務主管Louise Connolly: “我們認為香港遊艇工業協會在休閒海洋工業傘下絕對必要包覽各業界代表”“支持這一倡議的單位數量已明確顯示,這個協會早就應該成立了”。

It is intended that the Sectors will meet on a monthly basis, and report back to the Council. Corporate Members of the HKBIA may register with up to two sectors at the time of enlisting. The proposed fee structure is pitched “deliberately low” in order to encourage all companies – big or small - to join the Association. Individual Membership has been proposed and details to be determined by the new Council, once it has been formed. Only with an appropriate level of inclusiveness and professionalism will the HKBIA be properly recognised both locally and internationally, and be in a position to approach Government and other bodies with the authority to speak on behalf of industry participants.


Thanks go to the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club for hosting the preliminary meeting, and to Ince Law for the pro bono work done in helping to set up the Association. With a green light from the industry the future of the pleasure boating industry in Hong Kong is looking very positive indeed.


Hong Kong BIA – A new voice for the leisure marine trade in Hong Kong

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