Hong Kong BIA - One Year On 香港遊艇業總會 - 成立一年回顧

31 Jan 2019 17:29 | The Chair (Administrator)

The Hong Kong Boating Industry Association is now one year old and it has firmly established itself as the ‘go to’ organisation for all matters concerning the pleasure boat industry. The first year has been spent creating the infrastructure for the Association, which now has a membership of 44 companies. Establishment, Articles of Association, bank account, website, international relations, Government relations and getting members have taken up the bulk of the time for the first year of the Association. A Council was formed to represent the various sectors, and these representatives update the Council on the various developments.


The Hong Kong BIA has established a bilingual website www.Hongkongbia.com <http://www.hongkongbia.com/> along with the accompanying social media sites. Lead by Suzy Rayment (Asia Yacht Press), with support from Paul Blanc (Beneteau) and Genevieve Mok (Man Lee Tat/Yamaha) this has moved along nicely.

HKBIA設有一個雙語網站www.Hongkongbia.com,與社會媒體網站連結。此網站由亞洲遊艇出版社Suzy Rayment的作為領導,得到Beneteau 的Paul Blanc 和 Yamaha/萬里達的 Genevieve Mok的協助建立網站,過程非常順利。

We have been actively engaging with the HK Government Marine Department offering professional advice on construction and safety standards for pleasure vessels, surveying, qualifications and clarification on the required documentation for registration of vessels newly arrived in Hong Kong. This Government Liaison group has had a busy time under the leadership of Lawrence Chow, Vice Chair, (China Pacific Marine), with the support of Alan Reid (RHKYC), Andrew Chan (Ronsil) and Baggy Sartape (Asia Boating). Meetings have been held on standards as well as the perennial mooring issues Hong Kong faces.

我們非常積極與香港政府海事處接觸,就有關遊樂船隻的建造和安全標準、測量、資格及有關新船登記所需文件的澄清等,提供專業意見。由香港政府小組成員China Pacific Marine副主席的Lawrence Chow為首,連同成員RHKYC的Alan Reid,Ronsil Development 的Andrew Chan和Asia Boating 的Baggy Sartape的協助下,經過一輪忙碌工作,在標準方面及香港面臨長期船隻停泊的問題舉行了有關會議。

The Hong Kong BIA Council has also formed a professional standards sub-group, headed by Richard Lamble (Marine Surveys & Engineering) with great input from Bryan Tse (Anglo Eastern Yacht Services), to work on guidelines for fair and professional business dealings for members to use in their businesses - not only between themselves, but also with end-user purchasers of boats and equipment, and professional employees on larger yachts.

HKBIA理事會亦成立了一個專業標準小組,由Marine Survey & Engineering 的Richard Lamble引領,另外得到Anglo Eastern Yacht Services的Bryan Tse 大力支持下,提供大量相關的資料,而制定了公平及專業商業交易的指引,此指引可以提供各會員使用;除此之外,此資料亦適用於船隻和設備的使用者/購買者以及大型遊艇的專業雇員指引之應用。

The Hong Kong BIA is now a member of the International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA) and has been working with them on bringing international co-operation and standards into Hong Kong. These initiatives, worked on by the whole council under the leadership of Chair Simon Boyde (Storm Force Marine), should simplify regulations and the applicability of them in Hong Kong in the future.

本會現已成為國際遊艇工業總會ICOMIA的會員之一,並與該協會緊密的合作,將國際標準引入香港。委員會主席Storm Force Marine 的Simon Boyde 將整個規則簡化,提供香港日後遊艇業採用。

Membership of ICOMIA and the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC) has enhanced the reputation and exposure of Hong Kong and in particular our marine businesses in Hong Kong with both organisations giving members a variety of benefits. The membership of ICOMIA is of particular importance, giving Council and members access to the resource guidelines published by other professional marine bodies from around the world.


Establishing the Hong Kong BIA has been a plan long in the making, and the first year has proved to be busy and time absorbing for the initial council members, especially our Treasurer Louise Connolly (Storm Force Marine) and our Secretary Vincent Yeung (Ince & Co). The first year finished off with a popular members’ networking event that had to be rescheduled to late September due to the clash of dates with Typhoon Mangkut!

成立HKBIA是一個醞釀已久的計劃,事實證明第一年的初期理事會成員工作是非常繁忙及費時,特別是我們的財務主管Storm Force Marine 的Louise Connolly和我們的秘書Ince & Co 的Vincent Yeung。我們同期完成了一個頗受歡迎的會員網絡活動,但由於當日颱風山竹的關係因而改期,最後在上年九月下旬才得已完成。

2019 is looking to be a pivotal year for the Association, with our second AGM due in April (where revisions to our Articles will be presented to Members) and where a new Council will be elected. Almost immediately afterwards, at the end of March, we are honoured to be hosting the spring ICOMIA Executive Committee Meeting. This will be an excellent opportunity to meet with leaders of the industry from around the world and, perhaps more especially, for those people to be introduced to the Hong Kong market, its possibilities and its limitations, and to focus on what Hong Kong has to offer. Hong Kong BIA Members will have an opportunity to meet with Executive Council members at a members-only event. The Association’s engagement with MarDep is still a primary focus, and they are considering our proposal to focus on CE regulation, with its associated ISO standards, as a standard for new boats under 24m brought into HK.

2019年有望成為協會關鍵的一年,我們的第二次的年度會員大會將於四月初舉行(屆時將向各會員提交我們的條款修訂)及選出一個新的理事會。 接著,我們於3月底便會由主辦理事會執行委員會召開春季會議。是次會議將會與來自世界各地的業界領袖會面,內容著眼於香港提供的議案,HKBIA會員將有機會參加該項活動,活動只限會員參與,有機會與行政會議成員會面,機會難逢,萬勿錯過。 

The Hong Kong BIA has managed to tick off most of the first seven steps of its Road Map: 1. Legally establish – initial meeting, incorporation, bank account etc. 2. Get members. 3. Set up system of frequent sectorial and overall council meetings 4. Obtain Government recognition 5. Obtain international recognition – ICOMIA 6. Setup meetings with Govt. departments. 7. Establish presence - physical location, web, email, membership database, (plus secretariat and staff in due course) HKBIA

已成功區劃了七個大部分步驟的路線圖: 1. 正式註冊成立本會-首次會議、公司註冊、銀行帳戶等 2. 招攬會員 3. 建立部門和理事會會議的制度 4. 獲得政府認可 5. 獲得ICOMIA認可 6. 與政府各部門舉行會議 7. 建立現有會址、網頁、電子郵件、會員資料庫(包括秘書處和工作人員)

But there is still much to be achieved going forwards: 8. Survey of the Membership and promotion of a members’ forum [Set up resources covering regulations, legal, best practice, standards, environmental) 9. Establish our own showcase – “BOAT Hong Kong” for the industry. 10. Initiate projects promoting boating in HK including Annual Awards We also need to expand the membership: with this in mind we are promoting a freeze on membership fees for new members, and existing members who renew their membership before the AGM.

但仍然有很多工作須要實現得以前進:- 8. 會員調查和會員論壇的推廣 [定立資源覆蓋的定義、有關法律、最佳實行方法、標準規定、環境資源] 9. 為"香港遊艇"業界建立我們自己的展示平台 10. 促進推廣香港遊艇的計劃,包括頒發年度大獎 我們還需要擴大會員參與:考慮到這一點,在年度股東大會之前原有會員及新加入會員,將保持一樣的會費。

Wishing all members 祝各會員 Prosperity in the coming year, 新年進步 Good health 身體健康!


· Promote the HK leisure marine industry, both locally and abroad.

· Provide showcases for its products in HK and overseas.

· Represent the industry to Governments, Authorities and Agencies.

· Conduct research on HK and international leisure marine markets.

· Provide technical, regulatory and manufacturing information and advice.

· Provide strategy, advice and practical assistance on environmental issues.

· Advise and represent on legal and financial matters.

· Provide a communication platform between members.

· Encouragement of public awareness of the products and services provided by our members.

· Increasing awareness of marine leisure opportunities via boat shows, supporting training, and sharing know-how.












Hong Kong BIA – A new voice for the leisure marine trade in Hong Kong

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