Message from Chairman (主席歡迎辭)

8 Sep 2019 08:28 | Lawrence Chow (Administrator)

Dear Members of HKBIA,

It is an honour to be writing to you as the newly elected Chair of the HKBIA.

I would first like to thank Simon Boyde, for taking the initiative and putting in a tremendous amount of time to set up and Chair the HKBIA for the past year.

I would also like to thank the previous council for dedicating their time to promote the industry and welcome the new council. With the help and guidance of the new council, I hope we will be able to develop a broader network by linking up with various local and international related associations and continue to build a stronger dialog with the Marine Department and the Transport and Housing Bureau.

In June, HKBIA represented Hong Kong at the ICOMIA congress in Split, Croatia – sharing our experiences and learning from the various associations around the world on how we can positively impact our local industry.

ICOMIA publications are available to all HKBIA members through the “documents library on our website” – please login to your members account and make use of this resource.

In the upcoming months, we will:

  • ·      Follow up with the HFC on the KTTS development
  • ·      Be hosting a Membership Event at the end of October
  • ·      Plan for the ICOMIA Marina Tour in 2020.

Once again, thank you to all our existing members for your continuous support for the industry and welcome to all our new members.


很榮幸以香港遊艇業總會新任主席身份去信給 您 和您的企業 !

首先我要感謝Simon Boyde,他主動帶領下在過去一年成立了香港遊艇業總會和擔任主席, 期間投放了大量源資、心思和寶貴的時間。

我亦要感謝上屆議會盡心盡力、時刻推廣 本會及遊艇行業. 並歡迎新議會。 在新議會協助及指導下,我希望大家能夠與多個本地及國際相關協會建立聯繫,建設廣闊的網路,並繼續與海事處,運輸處及房屋署建立及拓展更強而有力的交流和對話。

今年6月,香港遊艇業總會代表香港出席在克羅地亞斯皮爾特舉行的國際商會(ICOMIA)大會,分享我們的經驗 ;  並從世界各地的協會中學習,瞭解我們如何對本地遊艇業和相關工業 以達致正面積極影響。

ICOMIA的出版刋物已通過 "我們網站上的檔庫" 向所有香港遊艇業總會會員提供。歡迎登錄您的會員帳戶並使用此資源。

在未來幾個月中,我們 將會 :

  •    跟進HFCKTTS項目發展。
  •   在 10月底舉辦會員活動。
  •  計劃 參與ICOMIA 在2020年舉辦的國際海洋委員會濱海之旅。


Yours Sincerely,

Lawrence Chow


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