Harbour Front Commission (HFC) had issued plans to redevelop the Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter. We have issued our concerns that they may displace all the existing moorings/space for boats in the area and have suggested that if they are to displace the boats, they can arrange mooring spaces in the To Kwa Wan Typhoon Shelter. Hong Kong BIA representatives have liaised with Mardep and are waiting for a response and update on the proposal. The Association is waiting for further clarification from HFC and Mardep.
HFC已發出重建觀塘避風塘的計劃。就HFC可能會取代該區內所有現有的船隻停泊處或位置,我們已作出關注,並建議如果他們要取代船隻現在的泊位,他們可以在土瓜灣避風塘安排繫泊或位置。 HKBIA代表已與Mardep聯絡,正在等待他們的回應, 以更新我們的建議書。 本會正在等待HFC和Mar dep的進一步澄清 或資料。