News - 消息

  • 24 Jul 2020 19:04 | The Chair (Administrator)

    In relation to the latest group gathering restrictions, the Hong Kong Boating Industry Association has verified the following from the Food and Health Bureau & Marine Police:

    1. Privately owned Class IV vessels are classified as “private spaces”. As they are not “public spaces”, the group gathering regulation (Cap. 599G) does not apply.

    2. Class IV Charter Boats that are hired for social gatherings are classified as “Party Rooms”. Therefore under Cap. 599F Schedule 2, are required to be suspended till 28 July 2020

    In light of the above, the Hong Kong Boating Industry Association are cautious of the overriding importance of public hygiene and health issues over allowing gatherings on private boats. Given that these gatherings may not be considered to carry a critical or imminent purpose, we maintain that the restriction imposed by the Regulation should be adhered to and that the further statement / notice issued should reflect the same. Please note that this does not constitute as legal advice.

    Please find the written statements below from the F&H Bureau and Marine Police:

    1. Privately owned Class IV vessels are classified as “private spaces”. As they are not “public spaces”, the group gathering regulation (Cap. 599G) does not apply.

    Food & Health Bureau:

    “The epidemic situation of COVID-19 in Hong Kong has undergone drastic changes recently. The Government has gazetted directions under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599G) on 13 July 2020 to further tighten social distancing measures. Amongst them, the number of persons allowed in group gatherings in public places will be tightened from 50 to 4, with effective from 15 July 2020. Unless exempted, the prohibition on group gatherings at public places will continue during the 14-day period till 28 July 2020(

    According to Cap. 599G (, a public place is referred to a place where members of the public can get access to from time to time. If a venue allows access by members of the pubic from time to time, such venue would fall under the definition of public places. Hence, the requirements regarding group gatherings of not more than 4 people and a distance of 1.5 metres or more between different groups etc. under Cap. 599G will be applicable.

    The Government strongly urges the public to stay at home as much as possible, go out less often unless necessary, and avoid dining out and unnecessary social activities (including private gatherings), to fight the epidemic together and prevent the virus from continuing to spread in the community. The Government will continue to closely monitor the development of the epidemic situation and review the various measures in place from time to time with a view to making suitable adjustments taking into account all relevant factors. For further information and latest updates, please read and regularly visit the COVID-19 thematic website (“


    Q&A between HKBIA and Marine Police:

    With regards the 'official number of people allowed on board a pleasure vessel' :- 

    HKBIA: Is it limited to four persons ?

    MARPOL: For social gatherings under the regulations, it applies to a public place only, not a private place.


    HKBIA: If there are six persons in a family house are they allowed to be on board together ?

    MARPOL: That boat is deemed to be a private place when she is privately owned but the issue of dwelling is regulated by the MD;

    If on board a hired boat, the owner/controller/operator of the boat may commit an offence under section 9 of Cap.599 F.


    HKBIA: Is there no limit?

    MARPOL: No limit for private place but in view of the current pandemic, common sense prevails and members of the public are expected to display social responsibility by refraining from having social gatherings


    HKBIA: We were under the impression that pleasure vessels, that are not licensed for hire or reward, can only take four people, while ferries have no limit.

    MARPOL: Under the situations you had mentioned, the Cap.599 regulations apply only to 'public places'.  A vessel used for hire or reward may come under the definition of a public place (if so, there are then also exemptions for 'transportation' - ferries etc). Despite no restrictions being placed on 'private places' the public are encouraged to be prudent and follow all Department of Health guidelines in terms of social distancing and public gatherings.


    Relevant official source, please see the link **schedule 1: Exempted Group Gatherings (in public place)

    item 1: Group gathering for the purposes of or related to transportation

    item 6: Group gathering of persons living in the same household  (and 599F)

    Centre for Health Protection and Department of Health links are attached below:


    2. Class IV Charter Boats that are hired for social gatherings are classified as “Party Rooms”. Therefore under Cap. 599F Schedule 2, are required to be suspended till 28 July 2020

    Food & Health Bureau:

    “According to Cap. 599G (, a public place is referred to a place where members of the public can get access to from time to time. If a venue allows access by members of the pubic from time to time, such venue would fall under the definition of public places. Hence, the requirements regarding group gatherings of not more than 4 people and a distance of 1.5 metres or more between different groups etc. under Cap. 599G will be applicable. 

    Group gathering generally means a group of people who gather for a common purpose. However, whether a case is defined as a group gathering depends on its nature, such as whether the gathering is organised beforehand, whether there is any interaction between the participants, and whether the gathering only lasts for a very short period of time.”

    According to the latest directions on scheduled premises under Cap. 599F (, if relevant premises (such as junk boat) falls under Cap. 599F Schedule 2's stipulation of premises that are maintained or intended to be maintained for hire for holding social gatherings (such as boat party), such premises are required to suspend operation till 28 July 2020.”


  • 20 Jul 2020 16:38 | The Chair (Administrator)

    HKBIA tours the soon to be completed Lantau Yacht Club. 

    HKBIA will be organizing a Lantau Yacht Club tour for HKBIA members. Details to be announced.

    "Hong Kong Resort Company Limited is pleased to update that refurbishment works for the Lantau Yacht Club (“LYC”) Marina is well underway. Phase 1 of the works, which covers about half of the Marina area and the Marina Office, is progressing as planned and is targeted to open in the second half of 2020.

    The new LYC Marina is designed to cater for the local marine leisure community as well as local and regional superyacht market. Upon completion, it will provide about 150 berths and it will be the first marina in Hong Kong catering for megayachts up to around 100 metres in length.

    The LYC Marina is anticipated to meet the ever-increasing demand for superyacht berths in Asia. It is built according to the highest international standard in terms of structural safety and building services provisions. Marina Projects UK, one of the world’s leading marina consultants, is appointed to advise on the overall design planning and technical provisions for the project."

  • 21 Jun 2020 06:12 | The Chair (Administrator)

    “The HK Government has just announced that gatherings of up to 50 people will now be allowed.

    This will mean that Charter Boats will be allowed to operate legally again and boats can raft up alongside each other and friends can mix with each other. “


    表示船隻租賃可從新合法進行, 同時船隻亦可並排連泊一起,朋友間可一起歡鈙.”


    Government relaxes social distancing measures under Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance


         The Government will gazette today (June 16) directions and amendments under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F) and the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap. 599G) to extend the social distancing measures in relation to catering businesses, scheduled premises and group gatherings in public places, as well as make appropriate adjustments and relaxations having regard to the latest situation.  The measures will come into effect on June 19, 2020 for a period of 14 days till July 2, 2020.

         The World Health Organization and health experts advised that the COVID-19 would not be eradicated without effective treatment and vaccination.  The Government thus is required to incorporate work in relation to disease prevention and control as well as infection management into the new normal of the daily operation of the society.  To this end, the Government has all along adopted the "suppress and lift" strategy and strived to strike a balance among public health protection, economic impact and social acceptance, maintaining the various disease prevention measures while allowing room for gradual resumption of normal operation and activities of the society when the situation permits.  

         A spokesperson for the Food and Health Bureau said, "As repeatedly emphasised over the past few weeks, we are currently at the 'lifting' phase under our 'suppress and lift' disease prevention strategy.  Having regard to the latest public health risk, the Government is of the view that this is an appropriate time to relax the existing social distancing measures to send a clear signal to different sectors of the society that social and economic activities may further resume subject to fulfilment of relevant infection control measures, so as to facilitate the recovery of the local economy."

         Following the directions and amendments under Cap. 599F and Cap. 599G, the latest relaxed social distancing measures will be as follows -

    Group gatherings (Cap. 599G)

    (1) The number of persons allowed in group gatherings in public places will be relaxed from eight to 50.  Unless exempted, the prohibition on group gatherings at public places will continue during the abovementioned 14 days.

    (2) Group gatherings at catering business premises (such as banquets at those premises) would be exempted from the restriction on the number of persons at group gatherings under Cap. 599G.  This relaxation has taken into account the fact that all catering businesses and scheduled premises subject to Cap. 599F are required to follow a series of infection control requirements and restrictions, and that group gatherings at scheduled premises have been exempted from the restriction on the number of persons at group gatherings under Cap. 599G since May 8.

    (3) Having regard to the latest limit on the number of persons at group gatherings, corresponding adjustments will be made to the exempted group gatherings under Cap. 599G.

    Catering businesses and scheduled premises (Cap. 599F)

    (4) On catering businesses, other than the relaxation measure mentioned in item (2) above, the limit on the number of persons allowed to be seated together at one table will be removed while the number of persons allowed to be seated together at one table in bars/pubs will be increased from four to eight.  Other requirements and restrictions on catering business premises will be maintained.
    (5) On scheduled premises, the limit on the number of persons at each facility/group/room at these premises will be increased from eight to 16 persons, and the number of persons allowed to be seated together at one table in clubs or nightclubs will be increased from four to eight.  Other requirements and restrictions on scheduled premises will be maintained and enhanced based on practical situations.

    (6) Live performance and dancing will be allowed to resume at catering business and scheduled premises, but persons working at the premises and performers must wear masks all the time except when there is some form of partition or adequate distancing which could serve as effective buffer between such persons/performers and customers (or for places of public entertainment, some form of partition or adequate distancing which could serve as effective buffer between such persons/performers and customers/the audience).

         Details are at Annex.

         "The Government will review the various measures in place from time to time in accordance with the development of the epidemic situation, and will make suitable adjustments taking into account all relevant factors," said the spokesman.

         Persons responsible for carrying on catering businesses and the managers of scheduled premises that contravene the statutory requirements under Cap. 599F would have committed a criminal offence.  Offenders are subject to a maximum fine of $50,000 and imprisonment for six months.

         Separately, any person who participates in a prohibited group gathering; organises a prohibited group gathering; owns, controls or operates the place of such gathering; and knowingly allows the taking place of such gathering, commits an offence under Cap. 599G.  Offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $25,000 and imprisonment for six months.  Persons who participate in a prohibited group gathering may discharge liability for the offence by paying a fixed penalty of $2,000.


    Ends/Tuesday, June 16, 2020
    Issued at HKT 20:16


  • 16 Jun 2020 16:57 | The Chair (Administrator)

    HKBIA Chairman, Lawrence Chow, had presented a summary of the progress HKBIA has made in 2019/2020 and the plans for future.

    Presentation can be found on the member’s document library.

    香港建築師學會主席勞倫斯·週(Lawrence Chow)總結了香港建築師學會在2019/2020年取得的進展以及未來的計劃。 演示文稿可以在會員的文檔庫中找到。

  • 28 May 2020 16:52 | The Chair (Administrator)

    New ICOMIA executive committee line-up. Congratulations to Sara Anghel for being elected new President of ICOMIA. Chair of Hong Kong Boating Industry Association, Lawrence Chow, has been elected as the Asia Representative on the Executive Committee of ICOMIA. Thank you to YP Loke for all the hard work and contributions he has put forward over the last 5 years as Asia Representative!

    新的ICOMIA執行委員會陣容。 祝賀薩拉·安赫爾(Sara Anghel)當選ICOMIA新一屆主席。 香港遊艇業總會會主席勞倫斯·周(Lawrence Chow)當選為ICOMIA執行委員會亞洲代表。 感謝YP Loke在過去5年中作為亞洲代表所做的辛勤工作和貢獻!

  • 30 Apr 2020 11:37 | The Chair (Administrator)

    "Dear Mr Chow, 

                    I refer to your email of 23 April to the Chief Executive and am authorised to reply. 

                    COVID-19 has swept the world and made a great impact on the global and local economy.  Preventing and controlling the infection with an all-out effort is still the top priority of the HKSAR Government and we have adopted a host of bold public hygiene measures.  The HKSAR Government understands that the ongoing epidemic and related anti-epidemic measures have added tremendous burden to various sectors.  Subsequent to the $30 billion measures under the Anti-epidemic Fund and the $120 billion relief package in the 2020-21 Budget, the Chief Executive announced on 8 April the details of the second round of the Anti-epidemic Fund and further relief measures.  The new round of measures cost more than $130 billion with a wide coverage, aiming to safeguard employment and the self-employed irrespective of sector, provide extra relief to those sectors hard hit by the epidemic and pave the way for post-epidemic economic recovery.  These include an $81 billion Employment Support Scheme, as well as sector-specific initiatives totalling $21 billion.  For details of the above measures, please refer to the attached booklet, which is also accessible at  The Finance Committee of the Legislative Council approved at its meeting on 18 April the proposal for additional funding for the second round of the Anti-epidemic Fund. 

                    Direct subsidies aside, the HKSAR Government will roll out a host of other measures, which include providing further rental concessions for government properties and fee waivers, enhancing the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme, supporting the MTR Corporation to provide a fare discount, relaxing the threshold under the Public Transport Fare Subsidy Scheme, granting interest-free deferral of loan repayments for students, and allowing deferrals of tax payments.  Along with the measures introduced by the Airport Authority, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Insurance Authority, these will support businesses and members of the public at large.   

                    In the face of the unprecedented challenge, the HKSAR Government, taking account of the views gathered from different channels, considers it necessary to take the above measures to help the society ride out the storm and to cater for the needs of businesses and members of the public as far as possible.  We have also relayed your suggestions to the Transport and Housing Bureau for consideration.  The HKSAR Government will remain vigilant in safeguarding public health.  Let us act in unison in our fight against the disease. 

    Yours sincerely, 

    (Natalie Lam) 
    for Private Secretary to Chief Executive "


  • 23 Apr 2020 06:05 | The Chair (Administrator)

    Keeping the Leisure Marine Industry Afloat!

    With a strong maritime culture, Hong Kong has long been the leader in the leisure boating industry in Asia. The HKBIA has come up with a number of short term and longer-term recommendations to keep businesses afloat whilst planning for a future  recovery.

    Hong Kong, with the largest number of pleasure boats in the region, is acknowledged as Asia’s most mature leisure boating community. A recent survey of  HKBIA members confirmed that as an industry they felt they were missing out on local government support  that has been available to other service industry sectors. The HKBIA is now actively petitioning the Government to make available more support measures so that the leisure marine sector  can survive long enough to help the whole  economy recover.

    Short term solutions:

           Immediate cash handouts in line with those already given to retail and restaurants to ALL businesses to assist in cash flow until Government subsidies can be enacted.

           Job Retention Scheme (Wage subsidies) – 80% of salaries up to a cap of $14,500/month for 6 months (MPF/ORSO registration as proof or equivalent documentation).

           The same wage subsidy scheme should be provided for self-employed persons based on a declared average monthly salary level.

           Legislated Rental Reductions (Stamped Rental Agreements as Proof)

           Increased value limit for 100% Government Guarantee Loans

           Ability to combine or repackage existing loans under the 100% Loan Guarantee Scheme to enable companies to have a single loan with lower interest and under a longer repayment structure or other variable to reduce the short-term repayment burden.

           Immediate relaxation othe rules preventing the use of boats for sail training and  leisure and easier access for maintenance - self-regulation for adherence to any required safety and social distancing rules.

    Long term solutions – once the situation is deemed safe:

           Enable easier conversion of foreign boat operators’ licenses to local licenses.

           Develop public marina facilities in Hong Kong to stimulate the industry and revitalize the surrounding areas and expand local economies. The Kai Tak/Kwun Tong area has the potential to provide more mooring facilities, the lack of which has severely restricted HK’s leisure marine industry’s growth.

           Develop all manner of water sports and water based recreational activities by expanding facilities and accessibility to HK’s unrivaled waters for general public access.

           Expand access to typhoon shelter moorings for vessels permanently homed in Hong Kong to enable the local boating industry to grow: at the moment too much  space is reserved for  vessels with mainland registries, space that is mostly unused..

           Lead boating industry development in the Greater Bay Area.

           Address environmental issues faced in local waters including allocating facilities for  emptying grey water holding tanks in marinas and typhoon shelters.

           Enhance options for disposal of obsolete boats in HK via promotion of recycling facilities.

    The leisure boating industry employs a wide range of people and professionals; the ex-fishermen who are now Captains and crew of yachts; marine professionals who service and repair these craft; brokers who sell boats, instructors who teach sailing and seamanship, and the insurers who underwrite the risks - the HKBIA represents them all. This young association represents one of the fastest-growing work-force sectors in Hong Kong and aims to support its members throughout this crisis.


    發佈2019冠狀病毒(COVID 19) 對業界的影响報告


    令休閒海洋工業川流不息 !

    因擁有濃厚的海洋文化 香港長期以來一直是亞洲休閒遊艇工業的龍頭和領導。HKBIA 已提出多項短期及較長遠的建議 以維持業務繼續下去 同時規劃未來業務的復甦。

    在亞太區域香港的遊艇數量是最多的 香港被公認為亞洲最成熟的休閒遊艇社區。最近一項對HKBIA成員的調查確認了作為一個行業 我們認為政府就COVID 19 的支援遺漏了一些行業,當中包括我們休閑遊艇業。 HKBIA現正積極向政府發出呼籲 爭取提供更多的支援措施;   使休閒遊艇工業能夠逆境中漂流生存 以備待和配合整體的經濟復甦。


    配合已經發放給零售和餐飲業之現金支授, 應向所有行業 經營商發放即時現金, 以協助現金流轉 直至政府補貼得以實施。

    •  職位工作保留計劃(工資補貼) – 工資薪金的80%; 最高上限為HK$14,500/每月, 為期 6個月(MPF/ORSO註冊或同等文件作為證 )

    •  應根據申報的平均月薪水準, 為自僱人仕提供同樣的工資補貼計劃。

    •  法定租金的削減(以蓋章租賃協議為準) 

    •  增加100% 政府擔保貸款的限額。

    •  重新組合100%貸款保證計劃下的現有貸款 使經營商能夠以低利率滙成為單一貸款 還款結構較長或其他條款 以減輕短期還款負擔。

    •  立即放寬禁止使用船隻進行訓練和休閒之用的限制 以便於維修  -  自行調節以遵守任何必要的安全和社交距離規則。

    長期解決方案- 一旦疫情情況被視為安全:

    •  使外國船運營商的許可證更簡便轉換為本地許可證。

    •  發展香港公共碇泊設施, 以刺激遊艇行業 振興周邊地區和擴大本地經濟活動。啟德/觀塘地區甚有潛力提供更多停泊設施 缺乏這些設施, 嚴重影響香港休閒海洋工業的發展。

     •  發展各種水上運動和水上娛樂活動, 擴大設施和可進入香港無與倫比的水域 供公眾使用。

     •  擴大永久在本港停泊船隻的颱風泊位 使本地遊艇工業得以發展: 目前預留給內地註冊船隻碇泊的空間 過大 大部份的位置亦未使用。

    •  引領大灣區遊艇業的發展。

    •  解決本地水域面臨的環境問題 包括分配設施; 在碼頭和避風塘污水排放蓄水池。

    •  通過推廣回收設施 提升處理香港棄置船隻的選擇。

    休閒遊艇業雇用了廣泛的人才和專業人士; 很多前漁民現巳是遊艇船長和船員 為這遊艇提供服務和為修的專業人員 出售船隻的經紀人、教授航海和航海技巧的導師 以及遊艇保險業僱員。HKBIA是一茁壯的商會, 代表遊艇業, 其會員及其增長迅速的勞動力向政府呼籲發聲 旨在團結和支援本會會員,逆流而航,乘風破浪過度危機。



    Access the HKBIA document library to get the latest information from the industry




  • 31 Mar 2020 06:07 | The Chair (Administrator)

    HKBIA Covid-19 Survey Results (5 to 20 March) have been released 

    A survey of Hong Kong's leisure marine businesses, members of the Hong Kong Boating Industry Association, the HKBIA, attracted a large and powerful response from the multifaceted membership, most of whom are SMEs.

    香港遊艇業總會 (HKBIA) 2019 冠狀病毒(Covid-19) 問卷調查結果公佈(調研取樣及總結時間:35日至20日)



    HKBIA participates in ICOMIA Covid-19 Virtual Discussion

    Over 50 ICOMIA members from around the world attended the online discussion - sharing how each country has been affected and proposing ideas on how we can overcome the Covid-19 crisis together. 

    HKBIA參與ICOMIA有關 Covid-19在線研討會



    HKBIA participates in IMG/ICOMIA Covid-19 online thread

    Since 11 March, HKBIA has represented HK in providing useful information to ICOMIA -  HK has been affected much earlier compared to the rest of the world, and we are able to provide insights on how our industry has adapted. 

    HKBIA參與了IMG / ICOMIA有關 Covid-19在線研討會

    311日以來,HKBIA一直代表香港向ICOMIA提供寶貴的實用信息 -- 與世界上的其他地區相比,香港受到的影響的時間要早得多,因此我們能夠分享相關行業如何適應的見解和前瞻。



    Access the HKBIA document library to get the latest information from the industry



    Lantau Yacht Club Marina Refurbishment Works Progressing as Planned Target Opening in the Second Half of 2020

    Hong Kong Resort Company Limited is pleased to update that refurbishment works for the Lantau Yacht Club (“LYC”) Marina is well underway. Phase 1 of the works, which covers about half of the Marina area and the Marina Office, is progressing as planned and is targeted to open in the second half of 2020.


    香港渡假村有限公司欣然宣布,大嶼山遊艇會俱樂部(“ LYC”)的整修工程正在進行中。該工程的第一階段涵蓋了碼頭區域近一半的面積和碼頭辦公室,目前正按計劃進行中並計劃於2020年下半年開幕以投入使用。



    ICOMIA Marine Environment Messages

    ICOMIA 海洋環境信息


  • 16 Mar 2020 06:03 | The Chair (Administrator)

    Thank you to all 17 members that have filled out the anonymous survey. But we also really want to hear from you!

    We would be most grateful if you could spare a few minutes of your time to complete the survey that was sent to you by email on the 5th March, 2020. Please access the survey from the link below:


    Survey Cut-off Date: 20 March 2020


    The Hong Kong Boating Industry Association is conducting a short survey to measure the impact of the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak on members’ businesses.  We will present the results of the survey to the relevant government departments to petition for more support for the leisure marine sector. The government has said it is still listening to all industry sectors so it is important that we have your full support and get as many replies as possible to give the petition more weight.  We would be most grateful if you could spare a few minutes of your time to answer the following questions below. 

    HKBIA 正在進行一項簡短的問卷調查,以了解冠狀病毒疫情對會員業務帶來的影響。我們誠邀 閣下用數分鐘回答以下問題。

  • 29 Feb 2020 06:27 | The Chair (Administrator)

    Monitoring the situation closely, we will have to postpone the HKBIA AGM until further notice. We will notify all members when the next AGM will be held.

Hong Kong BIA – A new voice for the leisure marine trade in Hong Kong

香港遊艇業總會- 一個新的香港休閒海事行業發聲平台

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