News - 消息

  • 14 Nov 2019 12:43 | The Chair (Administrator)

    The HKBIA had planned to participate in this show to represent members interests.

    With more than 90 percent of the exhibitors opting for a postponement, The annual HK Int’l Boat Show at Club Marina Cove held on the first week of December will be postponed to 2020. The exact dates will for the rescheduled show will be released at a later date. We plan to participate in the show once it is rescheduled and will keep members informed of progress.  

    本會已計劃參與。有90% 參展商選擇延期舉辦(由201912月第一星期延至2020年)。相關日期會稍後公佈。本會收到相關進度资料定當與會員保持聯絡。

  • 25 Oct 2019 12:34 | The Chair (Administrator)

    On 25th October, Hong Kong BIA participated in the “Asia-Pacific Yacht Industry High-Level Forum” organised by the Macau Yacht Show. The Forum covered 3 areas: Developing the Sailing Yacht Economy, Yachting in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), and Yachting and Marine Economic Development.

    The Keynote speaker was Tong Shing, President of the Hong Kong Sailing Federation, (Bluefin Sea Sports –HKBIA member) on the development of the sailing yacht economy. It was then followed with a panel discussion on the development of the yacht industry in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the Development in the Marine Industry. Lawrence Chow (Chairman), gave a speech on the potential benefits to the industry within the GBA and how Hong Kong could be the key player in the overall strategy. He also highlighted the bottleneck the industry faces due to the lack of moorings and how this could affect the overall GBA strategy. The forum was concluded with speech from Andy Treadwell on the key elements that are needed to grow boating Treadwell believes that the whole of the industry, from sailboats to superyachts and all the businesses in between and alongside, will only develop if governments understand the huge potential economic impact and social benefits that a developing boating industry would bring. 

    Collaboration is the key to development, and if key industry players can work together and lobby governments in the right way, then the market will flourish.

    2019 10 25日本會參與由澳門遊艇展銷會主辦的「2019 亞太遊艇行業(澳門)高峰論壇」。舉辦地點為澳門勵庭海景酒店。論壇就議題開展主題演講和小組討論並涵蓋三大範疇

    1. 發展帆船遊艇經濟 (Developing the Sailing Yacht Economy)
    2. 大灣區遊艇產業發展 (Yachting in the Greater Bay Area (GBA));
    3. "海洋經濟發展 (Yachting and Marine Economic Development).

    主講嘉賓為 香港㠶船運動總會 唐裔盛會長 (Bluefin Sea Sports - 香港遊艇業總會會員) 講述帆船遊艇經濟發展. 接著是討論遊艇業在大灣區的發展及海洋業的發展。我們的周基倫主席講述遊艇業在大灣區的潛在利好因素及香港如何在整體策略下可成為關健參與者。他提及到由船繄泊位不足,形成樽頸效應,這現象怎樣影響大灣區的整體策略。論壇由Mr. Andy Treadwell總結提升遊艇業 的主要原素。他相信無論船隻的大小, 本土和海外,要發展就必須有當地政府明白這巨大潛在的經濟效應和社會利益。


  • 8 Sep 2019 09:04 | Lawrence Chow (Administrator)

    Lawrence Chow attended the ICOMIA Congress in Split, Croatia as the Hong Kong BIA representative. The Congress proved to be an effective forum for discussions and updates on the global marine industry and Hong Kong is now an active participant along with the China Cruise & Yacht Industry Association (CCYIA.

    In general, there was a common thread through the discussions, which focused on the growth of the charter and boat sharing sectors along with how spending habits have begun to shift. The congress started off with representatives of the Croatian Government and ICOMIA committee members sharing updates and reinforcing the importance of the marine industry to the local economy. Over the course of the week the various Committee Meetings include:

    Grow Boating Committee:  The forum covered topics such as nurturing boating as a lifestyle rather than just selling a product, and transformation of the market and the need to engage with Millennials. General statistics of boat purchases were presented, along with programmes that different countries have initiated in order to engage with the public to Grow Boating in their region.

    Exporters Committee: Focused on exporting and importing marine products from Croatia and gave key statics, such as the business of chartering in Croatia accounts for 40% of the global charter fleet. Major companies involved in the boating industry were reviewed along with a large number of rib manufactures. The effects of the US-China Trade War and Brexit were also discussed.

    Technical Committee: Topics included yacht charter policies in Turkey and the new Regulatory Reference Guide (RRG) that will be available through the ICOMIA website.

    Marinas Subcommittee: This was an overview of markets and marinas, with CCYIA and CBITA (China) reporting there are now 114 marinas in China. ICOMIA is joining the World Tourism Organisation in order to grow nautical tourism and the group looked at changes in the charter industry from B2C to C2C. The next World Marinas Conference will be at P&O Marinas in Dubai.

    Superyacht Committee: Identified the need to get accurate figures on number of Superyachts and discussions included NOx limits and MARPOL V which gives guidelines on prevention of pollution by garbage from ships.

    Statistics Committee: The updated statistics book will include global turnover figures and ICOMIA will partner with Powerstats.

    Environment Committee: Looked at developing a paper for best environmental practice and developing a position paper on end of service for lifeboats and identifying the scale of the problem. They also looked at gathering information from MIA’s on how to deal with/minimize risk on extreme weather and produce position papers on invasive species, solutions/alternatives for teak and banned chemicals.

    Next congress:  19-22 May 2020, Zhuhai, China

    ICOMIA has recommended that Hong Kong host the International Marinas Group (IMG) Conference in conjunction with a marina tour, before the ICOMIA Congress in Zhuhai next year.

    “The IMG marina tour in Croatia 2019 was organized exceptionally well, involving the ministry of commerce, ministry of the sea, and the ministry of tourism for Croatia. ICOMIA members helped convey the importance and impact of the industry to tourism and the local economy. Both the government officials and ICOMIA members had shared what they were going to discuss prior to the talk. It helped having an international body share the importance of the industry across the globe. It is hoped that Hong Kong can provide a similar marina tour in the GBA and invite the government to be involved with the conference.

    Future ICOMIA Congresses will be held in Sweden 2021, Toronto 2022, and Turkey 2023.

    Lawrence Chow為本會代表出席了在克羅地亞斯普利特舉行的ICOMIA大會。參與大會得益良多, 見證大會是全球海事業討論和更新的有效論壇. HKBIA與中國郵輪與遊艇行業協會(CCYIA)積極參與。



    論壇涵蓋的主題包括培養遊艇消閒, 不僅僅是銷售產品, 更可作為一種休閒生活模式,市場轉形以及與千禧一代互動的必要性。我們認識了遊艇買賣的一般統計數據,及與不同國家與公眾一起參與之當地遊艇消閒活動的拓展計劃。






    這是對市場和遊艇會的概述. CCYIA和CBITA(中國)報告中說,中國目前有114個遊艇會。 ICOMIA正在加入世界旅遊組織以發展航海旅遊業,該組織研究租賃行業從B2C到C2C的變化。下一屆世界遊艇會大會將在迪拜的P&O Marinas舉行。


    建立和討論需要超級遊艇數量的準確數字. 討論包括氮氧化物限制和MARPOL V,其中提供了防止船舶垃圾污染的引。



  • 8 Sep 2019 08:50 | Lawrence Chow (Administrator)

    Harbour Front Commission (HFC) had issued plans to redevelop the Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter. We have issued our concerns that they may displace all the existing moorings/space for boats in the area and have suggested that if they are to displace the boats, they can arrange mooring spaces in the To Kwa Wan Typhoon Shelter. Hong Kong BIA representatives have liaised with Mardep and are waiting for a response and update on the proposal. The Association is waiting for further clarification from HFC and Mardep.

    HFC已發出重建觀塘避風塘的計劃。就HFC可能會取代該區內所有現有的船隻停泊處或位置,我們已作出關注,並建議如果他們要取代船隻現在的泊位,他們可以在土瓜灣避風塘安排繫泊或位置。 HKBIA代表已與Mardep聯絡,正在等待他們的回應, 以更新我們的建議書。 本會正在等待HFC和Mar dep的進一步澄清 或資料。

  • 8 Sep 2019 08:49 | Lawrence Chow (Administrator)

    Harbour Front Commission (HFC) had issued plans to redevelop the Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter. We have issued our concerns that they may displace all the existing moorings/space for boats in the area and have suggested that if they are to displace the boats, they can arrange mooring spaces in the To Kwa Wan Typhoon Shelter. Hong Kong BIA representatives have liaised with Mardep and are waiting for a response and update on the proposal. The Association is waiting for further clarification from HFC and Mardep.

    HFC已發出重建觀塘避風塘的計劃。就HFC可能會取代該區內所有現有的船隻停泊處或位置,我們已作出關注,並建議如果他們要取代船隻現在的泊位,他們可以在土瓜灣避風塘安排繫泊或位置。 HKBIA代表已與Mardep聯絡,正在等待他們的回應, 以更新我們的建議書。 本會正在等待HFC和Mar dep的進一步澄清 或資料。

  • 8 Sep 2019 08:38 | Lawrence Chow (Administrator)

     Hong Kong BIA provided clarification on points of the original report on Marine Department’s arrangements for Private Vessel Moorings. The Association is currently waiting for THB and Mardep to respond as they are still having an internal review.  The government liaison sub-committee will follow up with Mardep and THB to see if there are any updates.

    HKBIA就 [海事處私人船隻停泊安排] 的首份報告的要點作出澄清。由於THB 和Mardep仍在進行內部審查. 本會目前正在等待他們作出回應。 本會的 政府聯絡小組委員會將與Mardep和THB跟進,看看是否有任何更新

  • 8 Sep 2019 08:28 | Lawrence Chow (Administrator)

    Dear Members of HKBIA,

    It is an honour to be writing to you as the newly elected Chair of the HKBIA.

    I would first like to thank Simon Boyde, for taking the initiative and putting in a tremendous amount of time to set up and Chair the HKBIA for the past year.

    I would also like to thank the previous council for dedicating their time to promote the industry and welcome the new council. With the help and guidance of the new council, I hope we will be able to develop a broader network by linking up with various local and international related associations and continue to build a stronger dialog with the Marine Department and the Transport and Housing Bureau.

    In June, HKBIA represented Hong Kong at the ICOMIA congress in Split, Croatia – sharing our experiences and learning from the various associations around the world on how we can positively impact our local industry.

    ICOMIA publications are available to all HKBIA members through the “documents library on our website” – please login to your members account and make use of this resource.

    In the upcoming months, we will:

    • ·      Follow up with the HFC on the KTTS development
    • ·      Be hosting a Membership Event at the end of October
    • ·      Plan for the ICOMIA Marina Tour in 2020.

    Once again, thank you to all our existing members for your continuous support for the industry and welcome to all our new members.


    很榮幸以香港遊艇業總會新任主席身份去信給 您 和您的企業 !

    首先我要感謝Simon Boyde,他主動帶領下在過去一年成立了香港遊艇業總會和擔任主席, 期間投放了大量源資、心思和寶貴的時間。

    我亦要感謝上屆議會盡心盡力、時刻推廣 本會及遊艇行業. 並歡迎新議會。 在新議會協助及指導下,我希望大家能夠與多個本地及國際相關協會建立聯繫,建設廣闊的網路,並繼續與海事處,運輸處及房屋署建立及拓展更強而有力的交流和對話。

    今年6月,香港遊艇業總會代表香港出席在克羅地亞斯皮爾特舉行的國際商會(ICOMIA)大會,分享我們的經驗 ;  並從世界各地的協會中學習,瞭解我們如何對本地遊艇業和相關工業 以達致正面積極影響。

    ICOMIA的出版刋物已通過 "我們網站上的檔庫" 向所有香港遊艇業總會會員提供。歡迎登錄您的會員帳戶並使用此資源。

    在未來幾個月中,我們 將會 :

    •    跟進HFCKTTS項目發展。
    •   在 10月底舉辦會員活動。
    •  計劃 參與ICOMIA 在2020年舉辦的國際海洋委員會濱海之旅。


    Yours Sincerely,

    Lawrence Chow


  • 12 Apr 2019 19:25 | Anonymous

    The Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Boating Industry Association (Hong Kong BIA) was held on the 9 April 2019, at the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club.


    Retiring Chair Simon Boyde reported on the first year of the Association, which saw the establishment of the infrastructure needed to establish the strong foundations for further growth of the organisation. During the year the Hong Kong BIA has joined the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce; and the International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA). The Association’s Executive Council has met and established links with Marine Department and other Hong Kong Government bodies.

    榮休主席Simon Boyde闡述協會第一年的報告,其中建立了基礎設施,為組織的發展奠定了堅實的基礎。年內,HKBIA已加入香港總商會; 以及國際航海業協會(ICOMIA)。協會的執行委員會已經與海事處及其他香港政府部門會面並建立密切聯繫。

    A new Executive Council was elected as follows:



    Chair: Lawrence Chow (China Pacific Marine Ltd)

    Deputy Chair: Andrew Chan (Ronsil Development Ltd)

    Treasurer: Louise Connolly (Storm Force Marine Ltd)

    Hon Secretary: Vincent Yeung (Ince & Co)


    主席: Lawrence Chow (China Pacific Marine Ltd)

    副主席: Andrew Chan (Ronsil Development Ltd)

    司庫: Louise Connolly (Storm Force Marine Ltd)

    名譽秘書: Vincent Yeung (Ince & Co)

    Sector Representatives

    Standards: Jaime Ng (Sing Kee Sail and Flag Co Ltd)

    Boats: Paul Blanc (Groupe Beneteau Asia Pacific)

    Charter: Reanna Wang (Simpson Marine Ltd)

    Moorings: Alan Reid (Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club)

    Advocacy: Suzy Rayment (Asia Yacht Press Ltd)


    業界準則: Jaime Ng (Sing Kee Sail and Flag Co Ltd)

    船隻建造: Paul Blanc (Groupe Beneteau Asia Pacific)

    船隻租賃: Reanna Wang (Simpson Marine Ltd)

    繫泊設備: Alan Reid (Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club)

    推廣培育: Suzy Rayment (Asia Yacht Press Ltd)

    The position of Hon President was accepted by Paul Zimmerman (Designing Hong Kong) and a position of Immediate Past Chair will see Simon Boyde continue to serve the Association.

    司馬文(創建香港)接受了名譽主席的職位,而上屈主席的職位將會由Simon Boyde繼續為本會服務。

    The Hong Kong BIA now has 42 signed-up member companies, and is in a strong position to expand and develop going forward.


  • 26 Mar 2019 18:37 | The Chair (Administrator)

    The Hong Kong Boating Industry Association (Hong Kong BIA) is pleased to welcome the ICOMIA Executive Committee to Hong Kong. The International Council of Marine Industry Associations - ICOMIA - is the international trade association representing the global marine industry since 1966.ICOMIA brings together national marine industry associations in one global organisation and represents them at an international level, presenting a strong and united voice when dealing with issues challenging the industry.

    香港遊艇業協會(HKBIA)很高興歡迎ICOMIA的執行委員會來到香港。國際航海業協會- ICOMIA--是自1966年以來代表全球航海業的國際貿易協會。ICOMIA


    Hong Kong’s newly established Hong Kong BIA recently joined ICOMIA and is now one of the 35 national associations across the world that are full members of the organisation. This includes the vast majority of the industrialised countries from North America across to Japan and China and from Finland down to New Zealand.


    Hong Kong is considered to be one of Asia’s most mature Pleasure Boating markets, and the establishment of the Hong Kong BIA has brought the industry together to unite members, provide up-to-date information on the industry, and initiate researchon the economic, environmental and social impacts of the marine leisure industry. By working with other related associations, the Hong Kong BIA aims to be a comprehensive voice for the industry when communicating with government departments, and to create professional guidelines and standards aimed at making recreational boating safer and more environmentally friendly.


    Hong Kong BIA members will have an opportunity to meet with ICOMIA’s Executive Committee on Thursday 28 March at a special dinner to be held at the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club. Andrea Razeto, President, will lead the 10-ten member team that includes Vice Presidents YP Loke (Asia) and Sara Anghel (Canada) and representatives from the USA, UK, EU and Australia.

    HKBIA成員將有機會於328日星期四在皇家香港遊艇會舉行的特別晚宴上與ICOMIA執行委員會面。總裁Andrea Razeto將領導10個成員團隊,其中包括副總裁YP Loke(亞洲)和Sara Anghel(加拿大)以及來自美國,英國,歐盟和澳洲的代表。

    With the support of members throughout the world, and in conjunction with the appropriate associations, ICOMIA lobbies international authorities and major organisations, publishes documents and guidelines and produces tools to facilitate the growth of the industry. It is hoped that Asia will play a stronger role in ICOMIA going forward. In a recent report on Asia, ICOMIAstated that “Asia is the main growth area in the world for the leisure marine industry. For the past 30 years most Asian economies have been growing, and in the past ten years the GDP in most countries has increased at an average rate of 5% to 10% per annum, far higher than those of Europe and the USA. As a result, rapidly rising living standards are creating a new middle class in Asia that has a growing disposable income to spend on leisure activities.”


    The Hong Kong BIA was created to support and develop leisure marine activities and the leisure marine industry in Hong Kong in a professional, safe and sustainable way that allows everyone to enjoy boating and water sports.


Hong Kong BIA – A new voice for the leisure marine trade in Hong Kong

香港遊艇業總會- 一個新的香港休閒海事行業發聲平台

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